Itazura Na Kiss Wiki
Noriko Irie
Noriko Irie
Kanji 入江 紀子
Rōmaji Irie Noriko
Gender Female
Blood A
Professional Status
Occupation Housewife
Personal Status
Relatives Shigeki Irie (husband)
Naoki Irie (son)
Yuuki Irie (son)
Kotoko Aihara (daughter-in-law)
Kotomi Irie (granddaughter)
Rika Irie (niece)
Manga Chapter 1
Anime Episode 1
Movie Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Portrayed by
Seiyū Naoko Matsui

Noriko Irie (入江 紀子 Irie Noriko) is the wife of Shigeki Irie and the mother of Naoki Irie and Yuuki Irie.


Noriko has honey-brown short hair that gradually reaches chin level near the back - It is shown to be curled at the ends and puffs up somewhat. She often wears two, circular earrings of a light shade - white, or a pale-gray color. Her eyes are most commonly seen as thin and darkish-brown, although they are seen expanded when she's excited, or surprised. She has a small, rounded nose which looks to be a crescent-like line, which rests closer to her mouth than most characters'. 

Over the series, she's seen wearing many different outfits, though they usually comprise of cardigans, or over-coats, a thin shirt and snug pants. She's seen wearing full-black or secretive wears when spying on Kotoko Aihara or potential rivals for Naoki Irie's affections.


Noriko is a kind, sweet, accepting and supportive woman, although she can also be conniving when it comes to Kotoko Aihara and Naoki Irie - Seeing other girls as potential rivals, she can be very rude to them and try to not-so-secretly ruin their chance of being with her son.

At times, she can be over-bearing, shown when Naoki expresses his exasperation for her behavior. She has a strong sense of intuition, knowing immediately that Kotoko was to be her daughter-in-law, before everyone else, still believing this despite everything Naoki does to undermine her beliefs - This is seen as her own selfish way of becoming family with Kotoko, due to her personal like of the girl.

She also always looking for a reason to party, and she usually goes over-board with the preparations and set-up, inviting many people. 



Alternative names[]


  • The name Noriko means "chronicle" (紀) (nori) and "child" (子) (ko).
  • Noriko's surname Irie means "enter" (入) (iri) and "bay, inlet" (江) (e).





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